Summer 2023 Fellow: Sarah Reyes ’25
Office Description
The City of Oakland Department of Housing and Community Development funds the construction and preservation of affordable housing, supports homeownership, oversees Oakland’s rent adjustment program, and engages in a variety of community development programs to serve the residents of Oakland, CA.
Description of the Work
Fellows will work on one or more projects related to affordable housing funding, equity, and/or homelessness. Individual projects will be identified based on a combination of fellows’ interest/abilities and department need. Possible projects for summer 2024 include: 1) explore opportunities and challenges in lease-to-own affordable housing preservation projects that use the land trust model, 2) research how Oakland HCD can secure accurate race & ethnicity data about its affordable housing project tenants, 3) analyze Alameda County’s Coordinated Entry System for homeless exits and explore opportunities to better align the system with encampment resolution efforts, 4) summarize existing research on the impacts of affordable housing on resident incomes for specific types of affordable housing, 5) assess the equity impacts of State scoring frameworks for funding affordable housing.
Desired Skills:
Strong research, writing, and time-management skills are essential qualities for a successful fellow. Skill with GIS software is a desirable plus.