A nonpartisan, student-led affiliate of the Haas Center for Public Service
Jared Cohen with SIG

Jared Cohen Discusses “21st Century Statecraft” with SIG

Jared Cohen with SIG
Jared Cohen '04, an alum of the SIG fellowships program, poses with SIG members after his talk.

On January 12th, 2011, Stanford in Government hosted Jared Cohen ’04 for a talk on “21st Century Statecraft” in Cubberley Auditorium. SIG Chair Valentin Bolotnyy ’11 opened the event, in which Cohen, who is a SIG alum, discussed his time at Stanford and as the youngest ever member of the National Security Council, where he played a role in both the Bush and Obama administrations. Cohen is now head of Google Ideas, the new Google think/do tank. The event was co-sponsored by the Speaker’s Bureau.