A nonpartisan, student-led affiliate of the Haas Center for Public Service

Farewell and Thanks from SIG Chair Meredith Wheeler, ’14

Dear SIG Friends, I am thrilled to introduce you to Stefan Norgaard, the 2014-2015 Stanford in Government (SIG) Chair. Stefan has been involved in SIG since his freshman year, primarily as a member of the operations team. He brings enormous energy and enthusiasm for SIG’s mission, along with a keen sense of where SIG can […]

A Welcome Note from Incoming SIG Chair Stefan Norgaard, ’15

I am humbled and honored to serve as the 2014-2015 chair of Stanford in Government (SIG). As a public policy and urban studies major, I am continually impressed by the breadth of opportunities SIG offers at the intersection of academic study and public policy. SIG has been blessed with a history of effective chairs, and […]

Policy Lunches Offer Insights into Breaking World News

By Robert Liu, ’14 SIG’s Campus Awareness Committee had a memorable, productive, and pioneering year. The weekly policy lunches have remained its hallmark events, and this year were particularly timely, with speakers and topics that coincided with current events in domestic and international politics. The year started strong with a well-attended lunch on the Syria […]

From Sacramento to Warsaw: How a SIG Fellow’s Experience Changed Her Life

By Claire Zabel, BS ’14, MS ’15 During the summer of 2013, I worked at the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) through a SIG Fellowship made possible by The Edwin L. Z’Berg Fellowship in California State Conservation and Environmental Issues Fund. It was the most valuable professional experience I have had. The […]

Legacy and Strategy: Petraeus Addresses Policy, Amid Protest

By Tim Hegedus, ’17 “There is no greater privilege in life than serving one’s country.” General David Petraeus, Stanford University, March 14, 2014. On March 14, SIG co-hosted an event with the Stanford Speakers Bureau (SSB), featuring former CIA Director and four-star general David Petraeus. In a panel moderated by Colonel Joseph Felter of Stanford’s […]

County Initiatives Committee Announces New Opportunities for Stanford Students

By Emma Leeds Armstrong, ’18, and Jack Blaisdell, ’18 Thanks to funding secured by County Supervisor Joe Simitian, MA ’00, Stanford in Government will offer six new fellowships in Santa Clara County offices this summer. The opportunities include placements in the Office of Reentry Services, the Office of Women’s Policy, and the Santa Clara Valley […]