A nonpartisan, student-led affiliate of the Haas Center for Public Service

A Woman’s Place is in the House… and the Senate

By Anna von Wendorff, ’18 In January, Stanford in Government’s Public Policy Forum hosted a panel addressing the challenges that women face in the political arena. The event featured Karina Kloos, PhD ’15, who recently published Deeply Divided, a book addressing the political division in the U.S.; and Kimberly Ellis, executive director of Emerge California, […]

President Obama Visits Stanford for Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection

By Sam Kurland, ’17 On February 13, Stanford in Government members joined the greater Stanford community in welcoming the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection. Several SIG members had the opportunity to attend the summit’s morning session, where distinguished guests addressed a capacity crowd in Memorial Auditorium. Speakers included Secretary of Homeland Security […]

The Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Community: A Conversation About Affordable Housing

SIG chair Stefan Norgaard introduces panelists for the evening discussion. Riya Mehta, a member of SIG and Students for Education Reform, helped organize the event. Panelists (L to R): Mila Zelkha (InnVision Shelter Network), Candice Gonzalez (Palo Alto Housing Corporation), Don Barr (Professor of Human Biology, Stanford University), moderator Dennis Gale (Lecturer Emeritus in Urban Studies, […]

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Talks Service and Security

By Gabbi Fisher, ’17 “You wouldn’t be here if public service wasn’t an option [for you],” Robert Mueller, the former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told students at a Stanford in Government Policy Lunch on Tuesday, March 3. Previously the Acting Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Mueller officially took the helm […]

SIG Alumni Spotlight: Otis Reid, ’12

This is the first post in a series from Stanford in Government alumni who have continued on to further study and careers in public service. Otis Reid, ’12, was a SIG member from 2009-2012 and SIG Chair for 2011-2012. He is currently a PhD candidate in economics at MIT. He is from Chapel Hill, NC. I could talk for […]