A nonpartisan, student-led affiliate of the Haas Center for Public Service



The Stanford in Government (SIG) Fellowships program provides motivated Stanford undergraduates with opportunities to pursue fully-funded policy fellowships. 

The application deadline for fellowships is February 4th, 2025. If there are fellowships that remain unmatched after the deadline, we may open it for Round 2 in early April 2025. For more details on application requirements, please visit the Application Information page.

You might also be interested in our answers to Frequently Asked Questions about SIG summer opportunities.

Applying for the first time? Check out our sample personal statements, resumes, and more resources HERE! The application will appear on SOLO when it opens on December 23rd, 2024.


1. How do I apply for fellowships?

The Stanford in Government Fellowship application consists of basic personal and demographic information, a resume and transcript, and a cover letter for each fellowship one applies to. Students can apply for up to 5 fellowships. For more information, including information about how to structure your cover letter, please visit our application information page.

2. What is the timeframe for application review, interviews, offers and decisions?

For the vast majority of fellowships, applications are due on February 4th, 2025. Applications are then reviewed, and email notices of whether or not you are a finalist will be sent in the following week. Interviews will be held from mid-February through mid March, with final offers and decisions by mid-March at the latest.

For a select few fellowships in national security, applications are due on January 12th, 2025. The early application deadline is meant to accommodate for lengthy security clearance processes. For these fellowships, email notices, interviews, and decisions will be completed in the three weeks following submission.

3. Can I apply for more than one fellowship?

Yes, you may apply for up to 5 SIG Fellowships. However, you may not accept more than one.

4. I am a frosh, which fellowships are suitable for first-year students?

While we accept applications from all eligible students for all of our fellowships and frosh have received all types of fellowships, some of our fellowships are designated as “frosh-friendly.” Among them are:

  • San José Department of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services – Strategic Partnerships Unit
  • San José City Auditor’s Office
  • Santa Clara County Office of Reentry Services
  • Library of Congress – Prints and Photographs Division
  • National Center for Learning Disabilities

5. Where are fellowships located?

Fellowships are located all over the world. We host international fellowships, national fellowships (many, but not all, of which are located in Washington, D.C.), and state and local fellowships (located in Sacramento, San Francisco, San José, and elsewhere in California).

“With limited exceptions, travel for undergraduate students is not permitted to countries, regions or cities where the Crisis24 rating is “High” or “Extreme.” To determine a location’s Crisis24 travel risk rating, please visit this page.

Undergraduates are strongly encouraged to utilize Stanford Travel, a centralized booking program, when booking air travel for their fellowship experiences.”

6. How do I find housing during my summer opportunity?

Check out this helpful guide from the Haas Center for Public Service!

7. Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to apply for and receive a fellowship?

The majority of our fellowships do not require U.S. citizenship. However, due to the high-security nature of some of our fellowships, some partner organizations do require U.S. citizenship to apply for or receive that fellowship. Due to security clearance constraints, applicants to these fellowships must be United States citizens. If a fellowship requires U.S. citizenship, it will be listed on the page specific to that fellowship.

8. Is there a Round 2 of the Fellowships application process?

At this time, we do not anticipate offering fellowships in Round 2 of SIG’s fellowship and stipends application process. However, please check back at the end of February or early March to see if there are new developments.